Norma Audio is based in Cremona, Italy, a place where music has always played an important role. Cremona is the home of Monteverdi, Ponchielli, Stradivari, Amati and many other artists.
For more than 20 years Norma Audio has been involved in the study and implementation of sophisticated audio amplifiers. Technical skill and musical sensitivity must be merged together, in the same way in which the best musical instruments are made.
Listening to a Norma Audio product can express this concept, better than words, closer than ever to live listening. The sound of Norma products is unique and represents a synthesis of parameters which often conflict with each other. Dynamics, speed, and absolute transparency are combined with extraordinary musicality and a total lack of listening fatigue. The conflicts between solid state and valves are finally overcome, leaving space only for pure listening pleasure.
Norma Audio’s mission is to create products that reflect what NORMA means with “musical reproduction”. This concept is the synthesis of elements such as: neutrality, lack of artificiality, respect for the dynamics and timbre of the original execution. In other words, a minimalist approach. The intention is therefore to manipulate the audio signal as little as possible since the original music already contains all the beauty that will bring emotion in the listening experience. The musical message will not be reinterpreted, adding something more pleasant, but will instead receive the maximum respect. All the technical choices, from the most advanced to the ones that are apparently against the trend, derive from this precise vision and are not random.
The REVO SERIES from Norma Audio consists of world-class components ranging from pre, power, integrated amplifiers and a range of digital sources.
The Norma Audio REVO SC-2 LN is a pre-amplifier whose pure and elegant style combines with the most refined technology.
The Norma Audio REVO PA-150 power amplifier is an extremely versatile power amplifier. Its high power (140W/8Ohm), the ability to drive the most demanding speakers and its sound characteristics make it unique. Power, dynamics, speed and transparency are combined to result in outstanding musicality with a total lack of listening fatigue. These features make it a perfect match with the preamp REVO SC-2, which expresses the same sound personality.
The Norma Audio REVO PA-160MR is a unique monoblock power amplifier. It offers a sense of realism that had never been reached before. Plus, power, dynamics, speed and transparency are matched to an absolute absence of listening fatigue and strong musicality. The REVO SC-2 preamplifier is also the perfect partner for the PA-160MR mono amps.
In addition to the pre and power options, the REVO series also includes two outstanding integrated amplifiers — the REVO IPA-80 and the REVO IPA-140.
The Norma REVO IPA 80 is able to offer a level of refinement and listening pleasure unknown to this segment of the market – until now. Transparency, timbre neutrality, velocity, great dynamics, ability of reproducing even the smallest nuances of the musical signal, both at high and low volumes and great driving versatility even with demanding loudspeakers.
The Norma REVO IPA-140 integrated amplifier represents a definitive choice for amplification. Its high power (140W/8Ohm) and the ability to drive the most demanding speakers, make it an extremely versatile amp. Versatility is enhanced by the ability to customize the input / output connections and to insert the Phono MM / MC board or the DAC board. The elegant and sophisticated style is perfectly in tune with its sound personality. Power, dynamics, speed and transparency are combined to create outstanding musicality and a total absence of listening fatigue.
Digital sources include a CD player, a DAC and the REVO DS-2 Digital Source which combines both CD player and DAC.
Listening to the Norma REVO CDP-2 CD Player will surprise you when you hear the sound from CDs you think you already know. Firstly, the typical harshness of digital sound is missing but at the same time you find much more information and a lot more dynamics. All this happens without listening fatigue, but rather with a sense of neutrality and a surprising lack of artificiality.
The Norma REVO DAC-2 offers a complete set of digital inputs. As a matter of fact, there is both a full bandwidth USB input (192.0 KHz) as well as 4 SPDIF inputs, coaxial, optical and XLR. Therefore, all the features for an advanced digital source are contained within a single frame, and they are able to meet even the most demanding user’s needs with no limitations, both in terms of versatility as well as reference listening quality.
The Norma REVO DS-2 is a digital source and extremely interesting product, both for its outstanding technical content and for its noticeable versatility. In addition to a CD player section that represents the evolution of the REVO CDPR-1, the REVO DS-2 source offers a complete set of digital inputs. As a matter of fact, there is both a full bandwidth USB input (192.0 KHz) as well as 4 SPDIF inputs, coaxial, optical and XLR. Therefore, all the features for an advanced digital source are contained within a single frame, and they are able to meet even the most demanding user’s needs with no limitations. The DS-2 offers outstanding listening quality and outstanding versatility.
The HS SERIES from Norma Audio consists of a half width integrated amplifier and a fully customizable DAC.
The HS-DA1 DAC is designed to play the content of high resolution music files at their best. Beyond the technical properties, all aspects relevant to the sound reproduction were given the utmost attention in the HS-DA1. You can finally and truly appreciate the actual quality of high resolution files, without the limitations imposed by inadequate implementation. Conversion and sound quality, operational capabilities and versatility place the NORMA HS-DA1 at the top of world production levels. The fully modular constructive solution turns the HS-DA1 into a unique product, which is able to meet even the most expert user’s needs and can be easily updated in the future. The NORMA HS-DA1 is available in two versions:
HS-DA1, the pure DAC version offers all the features of an evolved DAC and is equipped with 5 full-bandwidth digital inputs (24-bit, 192KHz, USB and SPDIF), and both RCA and XLR analog outputs.
HS-DA1 PRE incorporates an outstanding preamplifier with volume control and with two additional analog inputs plus a high quality class A output for 2 headphones. It is also possible to switch between High / Low gain and between Active / Passive preamplifier modes. All functions can be remotely controlled and a beautiful machined aluminum remote control is included.
The Norma HS-IPA1 is an integrated amplifier designed for the enthusiast who values space as much as they value high fidelity sound. With half the width of a normal component, this compact integrated offers outstanding sonic capability with 75 watts per channel at 8 ohms.
In addition to the potent punch and beautiful musicality, the HS-IPA1 offers great versatility. One of the four inputs available can be configured to instead work as a pre-out, allowing users a simple solution to hook up another amplifier or pair of subwoofers. With the optional headphone, phono, and DAC boards, one can get a fully integrated solution for any use they require – just add a music source!
Because of this versatility and size, it is a perfect solution for the audiophile who chooses to run a two channel system in shared spaces, such as the living room. The price point of the HS-IPA1 offers outstanding value for the top class musicality and the many features that are delivered.
The UK based HiFiChoice awards the NORMA REVO IPA 70B with 5 stars out of 5 and gives it the “HiFIChoice Recommended” stamp
The prestigious magazine The Ear carried out a test of our HS IPA 1 amplifier with a full in-depth review.